Using Grunt to run Mocha tests with Backbone.js and RequireJS

I don’t have all the time that I would like for writing here but before the end of the year it’s time for a new blog post.

This year has been really prolific for me learning new things with JavaScript and in the last months I have adopted the Yeoman workflow, which really helps to develop web applications. Continue reading

Backbone.js internationalization with Polyglot.js by airbnb

In the past few weeks I have been digging deeper into Backbone.js, a really cool JavaScript library that gives structure to any web application providing models, collections and views in the client-side. If you want to know more, there are at least a couple of good links out there you should check out: one is the free book Developing Backbone.js Applications by Addy Osmani; the other is the series of posts by Christophe Coenraets in his blog, where you can see real code in action. For modularizing the app I have followed this tutorial using RequireJS. Continue reading