nodeday Amsterdam

Last Thursday I attended nodeday, the first conference of a year that is going to be full of events, and it was awesome.

Sponsored by nearForm and IceMobile, the money we paid was refunded at the entry, so it was a free event for about 150 node enthusiasts, at the old gas house in Amsterdam and perfectly organized, making it truly enjoyable. Continue reading

Testing Express APIs with Tape and Supertest

Our tech world is an ever changing ecosystem where is hard to stay up to date and keep with all the changes. But it’s always nice to add new things to the toolbox, so since the moment I read Eric Elliot‘s post Why I use Tape Instead of Mocha & So Should You back in summer I wanted to try it.

Three weeks ago I got a project to create an Express API with Redis as the database and I felt it was the perfect moment to try the combination of Tape and Supertest. So I did use it and I have to say I’m surprised by the speed and simplicity. Continue reading